So many people have been sentenced to a life time of bondage and subjected to suffering, pain, poverty, stagnation, sickness and disease as a result of their mishandled placentas.
Everyone had a placenta but hardly can anyone precisely say how his or her placenta was handled. The placenta, when mishandled could have very undesirable effects on the baby throughout life.Therefore, today we want to look at - “PLACENTA BONDAGE!” Job 40:16 says, “Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly” (KJV).
What is placenta? The placenta is a temporary organ that connects a growing baby to the uterus of the mother during pregnancy. The placenta is what connects the unborn baby to the mother in the womb.
This organ develops in the uterus of the mother during pregnancy. It attaches to the wall of the mother’s uterus usually on the top or the side and acts as a life line that gives nutrients and oxygen to your baby through the umbilical cord.
Although the placenta is a physical organ, many do not recognize its spiritual significance. It is a spiritual pipeline, and it has a spiritual counterpart. For instance, Emotions are also passed through the placenta to the unborn child.
Most times, if there is a curse in the life of the mother, it automatically flows through the placenta to the unborn baby (foetus) spiritually. The placenta also removes wastes from the baby’s blood. The placenta is expelled from the body of the mother after the birth of the baby, usually about 5 to 30 minutes after the baby is born. It is very necessary that you go to your parents to find out what was done with your placenta, and how it was disposed.
The enemy has exploited the mystery of the placenta to divert multitudes of destinies. Ignorance is indeed a terrible thing (Isa. 5:13; Hos. 4:6).
The placenta has very serious implications for a man’s life. When a baby is born, if the placenta is gotten hold of by a Satanist, it means that the life power house of that child has been held bound. This is called placenta witchcraft.
What is Placenta Witchcraft? Placenta witchcraft can be seen as an act, in which a person gets hold of a child’s placenta in order to manipulate, control or truncate the child’s destiny. The act also includes using the placenta to make medicine or for ritual purposes by witch doctors. The act also includes using the placenta to make medicine (juju) or for ritual purposes by witch doctors.
Placenta bondage is often common in the African region due to the nature of the magic, Voodoo, and witchcraft practiced in the region.
What then is placenta bondage? Placenta bondage is a bondage you came into due to the manipulation of your destiny by a witch doctor.
Women who are members of the marine kingdom could transfer the marine spirits to their unborn babies through the placenta. This very action automatically initiates the unborn baby into the marine kingdom. This is what we call placenta bondage.
The placenta is a part of the mother. So, the placenta can be used to remote control you spiritually depending on how it was disposed.
How can your placenta be used to manipulate your destiny? For instance, a certain lady was finding it difficult to get married. She was about 50 years old. She was told that her mother kept her placenta under her bed and was using it to manipulate her destiny.
She went to her mother’s bedroom and found her placenta under the mother’s bed. She took it and destroyed it. And shortly after that exercise she got married.
In Nigeria, the village elder usually takes the placenta of the newly born baby, buries it in the ground and then plants a tree on it. There are many people whose trees are planted on their placentas, and those trees determine the course of their destinies. What happens is this: Whatever happens to that tree that is on top of that placenta is what will happen to the person in real life.
If your placenta was buried and a tree planted on it, your life will follow the seasons of that tree. When the tree blossoms like in the rainy season, your life will blossom. But when the tree is not blossoming, like during the dry season, your life will not blossom. That means that your life will be in and out of season. This is a deep mystery.
In some parts of Asia, the village elder requests for the placenta of the newly born baby. They will then cook the placenta and eat it so that the whole village will be united as a family. This is purely demonic.
But here is that truth: When they eat your placenta, a part of you is in them and a part of them is in you. It will not digest in your stomach; it is there in the stomach of whosoever was part of the eating.
If your placenta was buried and nobody has an idea, there is no problem. But if it is buried and a witch knows about the location where it was buried, he could go there, make some incantations, and the land will vomit your placenta. That witch can then use that placenta to remote control you just as you can use the remote control to control the TV.
Why do people eat their placenta? People eat their placenta because they claim that it can raise your energy and the quantity of the breast milk.
They also claim that it can prevent postpartum depression (mood swings), lowers the mother’s chances of insomnia, reduces postpartum bleeding, improves mood, energy and milk supply, and provide some important micronutrients such as iron.
Here is the truth: Anyone other than the birthing parent who eats the placenta could be at risk for blood-borne diseases. There are also some risks of bacterial contamination. Your placenta is relevant to you and your destiny.
Anyone that has your placenta can manipulate your life and destiny. I was made to understand that they gather the placentas from the hospitals and throw them into the river. Here you can understand that the lives of those children will be attached to the marine kingdom.
If your placenta is in a wrong hand, that means that that person will be controlling your destiny. If that witch doctor speaks to your placenta, everything he says to your placenta will be happening to you in real life.
How then should the placenta of a child be disposed?
1. Give the placenta to your husband and never to anyone else, because you might be so weak and may not be aware of what is going on around you.
2. Make sure that the nurse on duty has not collected it to go and sell to a witch doctor (usually sold for 80,000 naira or more).
3. Your husband should anoint that placenta with an anointing oil, making definite declarations on it (Ps. 24), and
4. Then bury it or burn it by putting a dusting powder on it to make it dry, so it can burn effectively.
Placenta witchcraft is manifested in the following ways:
1. If you suffer the same affliction as your parents, it is a sign that there was a spiritual transfer of the problem to you via the placenta.
2. When you are having anti-marriage problems that defy solution.
3. Another sign is when you always see a pot or tree in your dream.
When you find yourself always experiencing the near success syndrome.
When you discover that you are not independent, and find yourself always being controlled, even as an adult, it shows that you are under the bondage of placenta witchcraft.
Many times you notice that a married young man is always attached to his mother. Such a husband does nothing without consulting his mother.
If you have prayed all kinds of prayer, sowed seeds, and yet the problem still defies solution, it is a sign that you are under the bondage of placenta witchcraft.
When you see yourself always dreaming of a particular place like your village, or the city where you were born, it could be that there is a connection of your placenta to that place. Some other signs of placenta bondage include:
1. When you feel suffocated to the point that you can barely breathe.
2. You feel that you are totally blocked, and there is no way out.
3. When you keep living a life identical to that which your mother lived, negative aspects of her life manifesting in your life, is a sure sign of connection with placental bondage.
4. If anything, you want to do with your husband is known to your mother.
5. When you have to borrow money from your mother before you can do the basic things in your home.
6. When you are experiencing a barrage of problems and it seems as these problems will never end.
7. When you are experiencing a barrage of problems and it seems as these problems will never end.
8. When you cannot make any head way in life and you keep running around as if you are in a vicious circle.
9. When your mother gave birth to you easily but you are having problems doing the same thing.
10. When it is obvious that someone else is using your glory to prosper while you are living in abject poverty; you are working like an elephant but eating like an ant.
11. When you feel like you are tied to a post like a goat; you feel so limited that you cannot just rise beyond a certain level.
12. When you have dreams of being in a forest or village square and you see yourself connected to the trunk of a tree.
13. When you display an inordinate affection for the opposite sex constantly, due to immoral ungodly ties.
14. When you see where someone comes to touch your navel or your stomach in your dream.
15. When you are attacked in your dream, and at that same time you are having a burning sensation around your navel or something is moving around your navel (belly button).
Watch out for the next edition of Good News from the Pulpit!
- Your friend: I. I. MADUBUNYI (Senior Pastor) May 14, 2023
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