Saturday, May 6, 2023


In Psalms 91:5-6 God said, Thou shalt not be afraid of the terror by night; nor of the arrow that flieth by day...”

Today, lots of Born-Again believers are suffering from terrible problems and wicked attacks by day and by night. Many people go to bed in good mood only to wake up with mysterious sicknesses due to attacks from the kingdom of darkness in the night using satanic arrows. Such attacks could come in the form of: leg pains, acute headache, constant stomach pain, mental disorder, dullness, inability to move your hands or legs etc. 

It also manifests in the form of: business failures, confusion, stagnation, marital setbacks, and financial disappointments etc. There are others that often hear strange voices asking them to do strange things like “jump into the river.” 

So, today we are going to look at “DELIVERANCE FROM SATANIC ARROWS!” Satanic arrows could render someone useless. It has the capacity to change the status of a man from grace to grass, from divine health to sickness. When an arrow is fired at you, it can turn you from a blessed person into a cursed person

What then is an arrow? An arrow is a dangerous weapon that has the capacity of causing damage or even death to a living object.

“Spiritual arrows” are invisible arrows from the kingdom of darkness to attack and destroy specific or unspecified targets. Specific targets are those that the enemy intended to harm with his arrows. The unspecified targets are those that were not intended for attacks by the enemy but the arrow got to them anyway.

There are different kinds of satanic arrows: 

1. The arrow of death. The arrow of death is the one sent to kill someone before his or her actual time to die. 

An example is the case of the son of the Shunamite woman (2 Ki. 4:18-22). The boy here had no symptoms of sickness or infirmity, but suddenly he cried out because a flying arrow attacked his head, and in no time, the boy died. That was an arrow of death. We may not know the source or the reason behind it, but it got to the boy and killed him.

Some people, while sleeping, without any prior sickness, die in their sleep. Some of the ghastly motor accidents or plane crashes are as a result of an arrow of death fired at them from the kingdom of darkness. A lot of mishaps such as fire accidents, the collapse of buildings on people, flood disasters that claim lives, could be because of an arrow of death from the kingdom of darkness.

Sometimes this arrow of death can stay for a while in a person’s body before killing him. For instance, some people in the hospital receiving adequate attention already have the arrow of death in their bodies. This is how it manifests itself: After sapping your money on hospital bills, they eventually die

2. The arrow of Affliction. When an arrow of affliction is sent to a target, it will cause various afflictions and oppressions, most of which will not respond to any physical treatment, unless they are properly spiritually diagnosed and tackled through violent prayer (Matt. 11:12). 

Example is the woman with the issue of blood (Lk. 8:43-48). The woman had a medical condition that failed to respond to normal medical treatment. But the anointing of the Holy Spirit in the life of Jesus destroyed the yoke and set the woman free. And Jesus said unto her, “Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace” (Lk. 8:48).

This kind of arrow includes epileptic attacks of spiritual origin. The arrow of affliction can also be an attack with the spirit of madness

For instance, A certain woman was attacked by this spirit some time ago, and she started removing her clothes in order to go naked into the street, but she was quickly noticed and rushed to the hospital to receive medical attention. While in the hospital, there was a temporary relief, and after a while the problem was aggravate again. 

When this problem was discerned to be an arrow from the devil, this woman was prayed for under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and she was totally set free.

3. The arrow of confusion and division. This arrow is capable of separating the best of friends. Example is the case of Paul said unto Barnabas (Acts 15:36-41). Paul and Barnabas, called to work together by the Holy Spirit (Acts 13:2-3) were actually doing fine in the work committed unto them, until this arrow of division came against them. The disagreement became so sharp that they could no longer work together and had to choose other companions for themselves.

This type of arrow can also cause division in marriages. A couple that have been enjoying their lives together according to the plan of God could suddenly begin to work against each other due to hatred and bitterness caused by the arrow of confusion and division

Whenever contentions become so sharp in the home of a believer, this arrow should be suspected and sent back to the sender, before it leads to the breakages of homes.

There can also be division among family members, the father or mother against the child, a brother or sister against one another or even division or disunity in the church of God

The brethren rising up against one another or against their leaders or sometimes strong clashes among the leadership causing divisions and the starting up of new local assemblies. All these are not the mind of God for us. But if we fail to recognize this arrow and use our authority against it, God will not be responsible for any damages recorded. 

4. The arrow of character-disorder. This arrow makes people to misbehave when there is no reason for it or where they should not have misbehaved (Jn. 13:2, 26-27). 

This arrow was shot at Judas, and he made a move to betray his Master for monetary gain. Under normal circumstances, Judas would not have thought of doing that, but under the influence of this satanic arrow he did it and forfeited the Kingdom of God. 

5. The arrow of devourer. This kind of arrow is sent to attack somebody’s wealth and properties. It can come as a result of sudden mishap resulting in great loses, or the collapse of business with great shortage. 

Job is a good example (Job 1:13-19). This arrow entered into Job’s life and all he had laboured for over several years were ruined within a short period of time.

Other manifestations of this type of arrow is: When you are making good money, but cannot account for it. Or whenever you make some savings for something good, an unexpected bad thing will happen to divert all that you have saved. God has promised to rebuke the devourer for our sakes (Mal. 3:8-12).

6. The arrow of generational stronghold and curses. This kind of arrow is known for causing a cycle of evil within the family. 

It can be a particular kind of sickness or disease that is common within a family, or people dying young within a family, having delays in marriage or having delays in childbearing, or having difficulty in experiencing breakthroughs within the family. 

It may be as a result of a curse pronounced upon the family or the generation at a particular time. For instance, when Elisha pronounced a curse on Gehazi, the curse was also to include the seeds of Gehazi forever (2 Ki. 5:20-6:1).

7. The arrow of destiny manipulation. This kind of arrow is arranged to alter God’s plan and purpose for your life. 

Certain wicked people are able to see a bright future ahead of the person and they can do something to exchange, or prevent that glory from showing forth, and if they are not confronted by the power of the Holy Spirit, after they have experienced the new birth in Christ, they may cause a permanent damage

The brothers of Joseph were afraid of his dreams because they understood he was going to have a brighter future than them, so they attempted to kill him and eventually sold him to a strange land. If not for God, the divine course of Joseph’s life could have been altered, but God moved through the situations to fulfil His purpose in Joseph’s life. 

You too can experience a lasting victory over destiny manipulators by completely surrendering your life to Christ, and praying under the anointing of the Holy Spirit to recover your destiny from the hands of destiny manipulators.

Sometimes this kind of arrow makes the victims to experience terrible failures and setbacks in various aspects of life.

Watchout for the next edition of Good News from the Pulpit

  • Your friend, I. I. Madubunyi (Senior Pastor, HOG) 7th May, 2023

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