Saturday, January 16, 2021


 Today we want to look at THE BENEFITS OF DIVINE FAVOUR! Psalm 102:13 says, “Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion:  for the time to favour her, yea, the set time, is come.” 

What are the benefits of divine favour?
1. God’s favour can turn a slave into a director (Gen. 39:2-5). Divine favour will make you to be in charge wherever you are. Divine favour took Joseph, a slave, from weakness to power! It took him from test to testimony! It took him from story to glory! It took him from obscurity to publicity! It took him from Mr. Nobody to a celebrity! It took him from level zero to a hero! It took him from poverty to prosperity!  It took him from sorrow to joy! It took him from the land of just enough to the land of more than enough! Divine favour turned his mourning into joyful dancing. Divine favour made Joseph’s generation to celebrate him!

I decree and declare that from today, you too will find favour in the sight of God and men.

2. Divine favour can turn a prisoner into a controller of prisons (Gen. 39:20-23). God gave Joseph favour in the sight of the keeper of the prison.  And the keeper of the prison committed all the prisoners that were in the prison into Joseph's hand. Joseph became the controller of prisons because of God’s uncommon favour. 

From today, the LORD will make everything you do to prosper. And I see God setting a royal crown on your head, in Jesus’ name.

3. Divine favour can turn a prisoner into the second in command in a country. Favour turned Joseph, a prisoner, to the second in command to Pharaoh in the land of Egypt (Gen. 39:20-23).

4. Divine favour can turn a slave into a queen (Esther 2:15-17). Favour made Esther a house-hold name within 24 hours. Favour put this young Jewish lady into the position of queen within a day (Esther 2:17).

From today, any competition you get involved in, the favour of the Almighty God upon your life will cause you to be preferred above your counterparts.

5. Divine favour can exalt your horn. It pleases God to make us strong. For instance, by the favour of God Esther’s horn was exalted. Esther became stronger even in beauty than all the other virgins (Ps. 89:17, NIV).

6. Divine favour can cause you to receive answers to your prayers before you even pray (Esther 5:1-3). The king was prepared to share his kingdom with Esther because of the favour of God upon her life.

7. Divine favour can accelerate your destiny (Jonah 2). Favour shortens the distance of your journey. Example is the case of Jonah. He was on a three days journey away from Nineveh, but after his repentance in the belly of the fish, he arrived Nineveh in one day (Jonah 2). He shortened his trip through genuine repentance and humility. After genuine repentance, the favour of God rested upon him.

Another example is the case of Joseph. After two years, he was still in prison because of false accusations. But within 24 hours he became a Prime Minister. That is acceleration of destiny. The Bible declares that at His own time He makes all things beautiful. When the current of favour flows, you can achieve in a day what used to take you 20 years in the past to accomplish. That is favour!

8. Divine favour can stop a tragedy/misery instantly. Favour terminated the misery of prison and moved Joseph from prison to the palace within 24 hours (Gen. 41:39-45, NIV). 

9. Divine favour can incapacitate your enemies. For instance, God’s favour shut the mouth of the hungry lions when Daniel, the servant of the Lord, was thrown into the den of lions (Dan. 6).


10. Divine favour can turn your sorrow into joy. Divine favour converted the fiery furnace into an air conditioned room within seconds when the three godly Hebrew children were thrown into the fiery furnace that has been made seven times hotter than normal (Dan. 3).


11. Divine favour can raise the dead. Divine favour raised Lazarus from the dead (Jn. 11). Favour can raise your finances, business, marriage etc. from the dead.


12. Divine favour can avert an impending doom. Jonah cried out on the streets of Nineveh, and favour flowed (Jonah 3:1-10). God sent Jonah to warn the Ninevites about the imminent doom coming to them. When the king called a solemn assembly, the favour of God was birthed and the impending doom was averted (Jonah 3:10).

13. Divine favour can make you wealthy in one day. The peasant Ruth became the wife of a wealthy man called Boaz (Ruth 4:13). My sister, favour can make you a first lady in one day. Favour can make you the centre of attraction in one day. In Ruth 4:13, the Bible declares, “So Boaz took Ruth, and she became his wife.” 

14. Favour can double your financial worth. God’s favour can make you have double for your trouble. It doubled Job’s financial worth at the end of his trial after he prayed for his friends (Job 42:10-12, NIV). 

In Job 8:7 God said, “Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase.”

15. Divine favour can establish the works of your hands. When the favour of the LORD rests upon you, it will establish the works of your hands (Ps. 90:17, NIV).

16. God’s favour will make you very secure (Prov. 7:7). 

17. God’s favour can take away limitations from your life (E.g. Mephibosheth; 2 Sam 4:1-4; 2 Sam 9:1-13) and change your story. Remember that this man had no legs. That was a terrible limitation. But favour made him who was entirely forgotten to be remembered again and his story changed. 

Before the end of this year, your mouth will speak of the faithfulness of our God. And you’ll sing a new song! Your story will change.

18. Divine favour can go to another nation and cause someone you don’t even know to finance your dream. It happened to me in Germany years back. Someone I never knew from Adam financed my dream. Wao!

19. Divine favour can remove the protocols that tend to limit your life. You know how difficult it is to obtain American Visa from the American Embassy. But divine favour can make them single you out of the long queque and stamp your passport with the required visa.

20. Divine favour will put smiles on your face and laughter in your mouth! (Ps. 126:1-3). When favour took Joseph from prison to a Prime Minster, certainly his mouth was filled with laughter.

I decree that before the end of this month, your mouth will be filled with laughter. You will sing a new song and you will dance a new dance, in Jesus’ name.

21. Divine favour will give you access to impossible places. Divine favour gave Esther access into the presence of the king without being invited (Esther 2:15-17).

22. Divine favour can restore to you all that the devil has stolen from you. Example is Jabez (Joel 2:25-26; 1 Chron. 4:10).


23. God’s favour will do for you what no one else can do for you.

Conclusion: Look at the wealth of benefits that God’s favour can deliver to you. And this is God’s appointed time to favour you. I therefore, encourage you to key into God’s uncommon favour by faith today. 

Watch out for the next edition of Good News from the Pulpit!


Your friend, I. I. MADUBUNYI (Head Pastor) 17.01.2021

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