Saturday, November 21, 2020


You ask, “Is it possible for someone else to use your destiny? The answer is yes. So today, we shall look at the “WARNING SIGNS SHOWING THAT SOMEONE IS USING YOUR DESTINY.”

What is destiny? Destiny is your future or God’s pre-ordained path for your life. God’s ordained destiny for you is usually great and colourful.

In Jeremiah 29:11 God said, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” 

But here is the truth: There are evil powers that seek to exchange people’s virtues - brains, prosperity, and even lives. These evil powers can empty out a person’s life and give it to another. They can replace the original name of a person with an evil name. They can exchange the fortune of a person. 

These evil powers are thieves. Jesus said, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” (Jn. 10:10).

Here is the truth: The devil wants to rob you of your blessings, glory and God-given destiny. 

The truth is that God has already blessed us in Christ. “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ” (Eph. 1:3).

“According as His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him that hath called us to glory and virtue” (2 Pet. 1:3).

Say after me: I command any hand diverting my destiny, to wither right now, in Jesus’ name.

They use different means to steal people's destinies for their own advantage. They use:  Charms, Evil gifts,  Evil rings (Do not let anyone wearing that occult ring on his finger to lay hands on you), Evil water, Evil laying of hands, Sex (especially, the marine agents want to collect your destiny from you by luring you to have sex with them), Food, Handkerchiefs (Don’t allow anyone to use handkerchief to rob your head), Money (Do not pick any money that is not yours), Handshake (They take your glory when you shake hands with them), Clothes (Don’t ever lend your clothes to anyone), Shoes (Do not lend your shoes to anyone because when they bring them back, the exchange of destiny may have taken place), Evil oil (they rob anointing oil on their genitals and have sex with you), Pictures (Be careful how you place your pictures on the internet. Do not give your pictures to people because they might use it to profit from your destiny).

Tonight, I decree and declare that, if your destiny has been stolen from you, it shall be returned to you, in Jesus’ name.

Examples of stolen destinies abound in the Scriptures: 

1) Ziba stole blessings of Mephibosheth (2 Sam. 16:1-4), 2) Jacob stole the blessings of Esau, 3) Delilah stole the destiny of Samson. 

2) Samson’s destiny was stolen by Delilah through sex. 

Say after me: I command every Delilah (strange woman) in my marriage or life to be permanently paralyzed, in Jesus’ name.

There are wicked people that want to steal your glory for their own profit. Your greatest enemy is that power that does not want you to fulfil your destiny.

These powers have the ability to change your success to failure, your wealth to poverty, your health to sickness, your progress to stagnation, and your strength to weakness.

The result is that in the spirit realm, all the blessing that are meant for you will be diverted to their own accounts for their own use.

Say after me: Today, I recall all my blessings that have been diverted by the enemy, in Jesus’ name.

What then are the warning signs that someone is using your destiny

1. You dream of being a slave to somebody.

2. You dream of someone touching your head with evil ring in your dream.

3. You dream of someone cutting your hair or nails. It means that someone is using your hair to take your glory and blessings and destiny.

4. You see a native doctor in your dream. This means that somebody is going from one altar to the other to manipulate your destiny.

5. You see yourself walking naked in your dream. That speaks of a life of disgrace and shame. It means that the blessings of God that will cover your shame have been taken away from you. It means that someone wants to bring you down. If you walk naked in your dream, it means that your destiny has been stolen. It means that the enemy has taken away your garment.

6. You see yourself having sex severally in your dream. This means that there is a covenant between you and the marine world. It means that your virtues have been taken away from you, and evil has been deposited into your life in exchange. That your sperm has been collected and taken to the marine altar in the waters to be used to put you in perpetual bondage. You will just be tied on a tree like a goat in the marine kingdom so that you cannot make any progress in life.

That evil that is injected into your life in exchange is what Satan will be using to control you. That evil makes it difficult for you to be fruitful in your marriage.

7. You see yourself seating on a charm or an object. If you are seating on a charm, you will loose that position you are occupying in your office right now if nothing is done about it. If you seat on an object, that your wealth and glory will be taken away from you. It means that they are using some devises to steal your blessings.

8. You dream of someone stealing your clothes. This means that someone is stealing your garment of many colours. You need to use prayer to retrieve that cloth very quickly.

Say after me: I retrieve by fire any of my possessions including my coat of many colours stolen from me by destiny hijackers, in Jesus’ name.

9. You see someone using syringe on you in your dream. This means that they are taking away your brain, your wisdom, your health, your potentials, your longevity, and they want to use that which they have taken away from you for their own profit.

10. You dream of walking bare-footed aimlessly. This means that somebody is using your destiny to shine. That’s an attack from household wickedness on your finances and job. They want you to be jobless.

11. You dream of aimlessly visiting a market. It means that your virtues have been taken away. It is a spirit of non-achievement hovering over your life.

12. You see yourself looking older in your dream. This means that your glory and your destiny have expired. Something has been taken away from you so that you can experience a life of wretchedness, hatred and rejection. People will not come to favour you anymore because you are old.

13. You see that all your teeth have fallen off in your dream.  This is an arrow of shame and disgrace. It means that the devil is working on your destiny.

14. You see strange marks on your body in your Dream. This means that the devil has made spiritual incisions in your body. It means that the devil has placed a demonic blood covenant on your life. Someone is using that blood covenant to manipulate your destiny. Once that mark is placed on your body, there is no way you can make progress or prosper in life. With that mark on your body, there is no way you can achieve your destiny in life. That mark is a mark of wretchedness.

Say after me: I renounce and cancel any blood covenant from which the devil is manipulating my destiny, in Jesus’ name.

15. You see yourself working for somebody without a reward in your dream. This means that someone out there is using your glory.

16. You see somebody wearing your clothes in your dream. This is a clear sign that that person is using your glory. All the blessings, honour and glory that are supposed to be yours have been diverted to that person wearing your clothes in the dream.

17. You see yourself receiving money from strangers in your dream. This means that the enemy is attacking your finances. They are using money to entice you, so as to take away your financial glory.

18. You see yourself begging in your dream. That is a life of suffering, poverty and lack. If you have been a rich person, and you see yourself begging in your dream, it means that the enemy wants to bring you down. Pray against down fall.

19. You see yourself in your dream being a slave to your landlord. This means that your landlord has stolen your destiny. And therefore, you need to move away from that house as quickly as possible.

20. You see yourself in your dream collecting food from someone frequently. This means that the enemy wants to use food to get at you.

Say after me: Every power that is using my glory to shine, be paralyzed forever right now, in Jesus’ name.

Warfare Prayers to recover your exchanged destiny!

1. I cover myself and all my belongings with the blood of Jesus against satanic arrows, in Jesus’ name.

2. Any power from my foundation, contesting over my destiny, perish by fire right now, in the name of Jesus.

3. Any exchange done over my destiny at any witchdoctor’s house, be reversed by the blood of Jesus right now, in Jesus’ name.

4. Any exchange done over my destiny through sex, money, handshake, be reversed by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus’ name.

5. Any evil done over my destiny through evil laying on of hands, be reversed by the blood of Jesus right now, in Jesus’ name.

6. Any exchange done over my destiny by any wicked teacher, be reversed by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.

7. Any evil done over my destiny by any wicked nurses and doctors be destroyed right now, in the name of Jesus.

8. Every destiny exchanger assigned to exchange my destiny catch fire right now, in the name of Jesus.

9. You destiny exchanger in my family line which has succeeded to exchange the destiny of my family members, my destiny is not your candidate, catch fire right now, in the name of Jesus.

10. Wherever my destiny has been caged, wherever the destinies of my children/spouse have been caged, I release it by fire right now, in the name of Jesus.

11.  Wherever my destiny has been hidden, I command it to appear and locate me right now, in the name of Jesus.

12. I recover my destiny from the hand of destiny exchangers right now, in the name of Jesus.

13. I recover my destiny by fire from the hands of destiny exchangers, in Jesus’ name.

14. I retrieve my destiny from the hands of those profiting from it, in Jesus’ name.

15. I command my exchanged destiny to fifth against those using it against my progress, in Jesus’ name.

16. Every demonic transaction to my destiny, be revoked, in Jesus’ name.

17. Anything stolen from my life when I was ignorant, be restored to me in full, in Jesus’ name.

18. Any power controlling me and my destiny spiritually, be paralyzed, in Jesus’ name.

19. I apply the blood of Jesus to protect my destiny from being snatched away by the wicked, in Jesus’ name.

20. I take authority over destiny diverters, and I command them to release my destiny to me right now, in Jesus’ name.

21. I put a mark of “thou shall not touch” upon my destiny right now, in Jesus’ name.

22. Father, thank You for answering our prayers, in Jesus’ name.

Watch out for the next edition of the Good News from the pulpit.

  • Your friend, I. I. MADUBUNYI (Senior Pastor)                                22.11.2020


  1. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Amen

  2. My destiny has been release to me by fire in the name of Jesus amen I am free thank u jesus

  3. I have lost everything including my police job, furniture, clothes even slept in a street can't get jobs,but I am praying but all in vain I know they are STEALING my DESTINY please pray for me help me reverse my DESTINY nothing is working for me even my prayers and I know they are STEALING my DESTINY I am suffering for long now please help me have life again Bongi form South Africa

  4. I always dream of my teeth fallen in my dream what is the cause

  5. Please pray for me, I believe my destiny has been stolen and I want it back, please commit my destiny into the hand of God and be my provider Jesus, I have been so ignorant about life and the wicked has manipulated me, my name is oghenetega isheke, please pray for me.
