Saturday, March 2, 2024


 Sometime ago, we encouraged you to “Have Faith in God” no matter your challenges. We went further to tell you why you should have faith in God at all instances – ‘God is Able.’ 

So today, we will continue with our discussions on “Understanding the meaning of Faith”:

6. Faith is believing God for what He has said in His WordFaith is strictly based on the Word of God and not on philosophies, personal opinions, or whatsoever your five senses are telling you (2 Chron. 20:20; Isa. 7:9). 

7. Faith is cooperating with GodGod can’t help you if you won’t cooperate with Him. 

For instance, if you have withered hands and Jesus instructs you to stretch forth your hands, it is your responsibility to cooperate with God by obeying the instruction no matter how impossible your situation looks.

And looking round about upon them all, Jesus said unto the man that had withered hand, “Stretch forth thy hand. And he did so: and his hand was restored whole as the other” (Lk. 6:10).


8. Faith is of the heart (spirit man), not of the head (intellect). Many people mentally agree that the Word of God is true, but they don’t believe it in their heart (spirit-man).

How can you tell whether you are really believing in your heart or just mentally agreeing that the Word of God is so? If you are only mentally agreeing, you will say that you believe that the promise of God is true, but you don’t believe it is true for you. True Bible faith is acting promptly on the Word of God you claim to believe.

9. Faith is acting out the Word of God you believeIf you really have faith, you’ll add action to what you claim to have confidence in. 

Faith is the practical expression of your confidence in God and in His Word. For instance, Peter demonstrated his practical and total confidence in Christ by walking on water at Jesus’ command.

In Matthew 14:28-29, Peter answered Him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water. 29 And Jesus said, COME. And when Peter came down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.”

If you really believe God, you will promptly act on whatsoever He instructs you to do.

10. Faith is an action. Faith is acting like God’s Word is true. “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is deadalso” (Jam. 2:26).

11. Faith is active. For instance, if you really need a breakthrough in your finances, and you are just waiting for something to turn up, nothing will show up but more bills to pay! But if you would just act on Luke 6:38, 2 Corinthians 9:6-7, Malachi 3:10, Proverbs 3:9, an encouraging harvest will surely show up in your finances.


12. Faith for anything you desire in life will only begin when you get a Word from the Lord concerning that very need. When you get that promise from the Scriptures, then you can boldly say, “Thus saith the LORD…” For instance, David got a Word from the LORD concerning Ziklag (1 Sam. 30:1-8).


13. Real Bible faith is faith in the love of God. Here is the truth: If you ever doubt God’s love for you, you’ll also doubt God’s Word to you. Realize that God the Father loved you even before you became a Christian (Jn 3:16). Nothing can separate us from the love of God (Rom. 8:37-39).


The Bible tells us how to put our faith into action. You put your faith into action by confessing what you believe. Faith can’t be released out of your heart towards God without your saying what you believe. Faith that is only in your heart will never bring any healing to your body. But faith in your heart released through your lips will give you the miracle you desire. 

“For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Rom. 10:10).


In Mark 11:23 Jesus said, “That whosoever shall SAY (not pray) unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.”


By faith you can receive right now the breakthrough God has promised you in His Word. I therefore, challenge you to believe and act on God’s Word today and you will be a recipient of your expected breakthrough.


Watch out for the next edition of Good News from the Pulpit!


  • Your friend: I. I. MADUBUNYI (Senior Pastor)                                    March 3rd, 2024


Promise of God for the week: “The LORD will undo all that afflict you and give you fame instead of shame” (Zeph. 3:19-20). He will perfect all that concerneth you” (Ps. 138:8).


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