Saturday, March 6, 2021


Today, we are going to look at the second component of holiness - OBEDIENCE. To make it to Heaven in the life to come, you MUST walk in complete OBEDIENCE in this present world. Without complete obedience holiness is not complete. And without holiness you cannot make it to heaven.

God desires obedience motivated not by fear but by love and trust. He said, “If you be (1) willing and (2) OBEDIENT you shall eat the good of the land” (Isa. 1:19).

The instructions of God can be (1) disobeyed, or (2) obeyed.

What is disobedience? Disobedience is the outright refusal to comply with the instructions given by the authority.

Disobedience is sin, and it leads to immediate separation from God. “The terrible anger of God comes upon all those who disobey Him” (Eph. 5:6). 

When you disobey the instructions of the LORD, you will go backwards and not forward. “But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear, but walked in the counsels and in the imagination of their evil heart, and went backward, and not forward” (Jer. 7:23-24).

What about obedience? What does it mean to be obedient? To be obedient is to do as you were instructed or commanded. For instance, Moses did all as the LORD commanded him (Num. 27:22-23).

To be obedient means to dutifully comply with the instructions of those in authority. It means to be submissive to authority. To obey means to abide by the instructions of those in authority

What is authority? Authority is the power to give orders and make others obey it. Children who are told that they have to obey their parents in the Lord (Eph. 6:1-2) consider that a harsh and cruel punishment.

Many wives also consider the command: wives obey your husbands in all things (Eph. 5:22), a harsh command. 

But in 1 Corinthians 11:3 God said, “But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.” 

In Genesis 3:16 God said to women, “Your desire shall be to your husband, and he shall rule over you.”

One thing we should realize is that no matter where you are, there is always an authority to obey. But if you live in this world and say that you are not going to recognize authority, then you are heading for disaster.

Where there is no authority, where there is no leadership, anarchy is inevitable. That was the case in the Book of Judges where everyone did as he pleased. Without authority in any set up there will be confusion. And the move of God is hindered wherever there is confusion.

God is the ultimate authority! God’s way of exercising His authority over us is by means of His written Word. 

Since the Father has now given the Son executive authority to rule the cosmos on His behalf (Matt. 28:18), Scripture now functions precisely as the instrument of Christ’s lordship over His followers (2 Tim. 3:16-17).

What about obedience? Are there some promises of God to them that completely obey Him? Yes O!

1. Obedience will bring great rewards to you. Blessed (empowered to prosper) are they that keep His testimonies, and that seek Him with their whole heart” (Ps. 119:2).

God said, “Obey Me, and I will be your God. . . . Only do as I say, AND ALL WILL BE WELL WITH YOU” (Jer. 7:23).

For instance, the woman of Zarephath obeyed the instructions the LORD gave her through His servant, and great rewards to the woman followed (1 Kings 17:13-16).

2. Obedience actually frees you to enjoy life as God intended, because it keeps you from becoming entangled or enslaved to those things that can distract you and eventually cause you heartaches. 

3. Even though God’s command (instruction) sometimes appears to be difficult, or doesn’t make sense from our human perspective, obedience will always bring (1) blessing, (2) joy, and (3) peace.  

4. God is faithful to those who obey Him (Ex. 19:5; Deut. 7:9).

5. Obeying God and ignoring evil advice brings lasting joy (Ps. 1:1).

6. Obedience will position you to eat the good of the land (Isa. 1:19-20).

7. Obedience will position you to spend your days in prosperity and your years in pleasures (Job 36:11-12). 

8. Obedience will position you to receive the blessings of God (Ex. 23:24-29; Jam. 1:25).

9. Obedience to God often leads to peace. Obeying God is the first step on the path to peace. For instance, Asa’s reign was marked by peace because he did what was pleasing and good in the sight of the LORD his God.” 

When Abijah died, he was buried in the City of David. Then his son Asa became the next king. There was peace in the land for ten years, for Asa did what was pleasing and good in the sight of the LORD his God” (2 Chron. 14:1-2)  

Conclusion: Remember: without complete obedience to God, you can never become holy, and without holiness you shall not see the LORD (Heb. 12:14).

Your friend, I. I. MADUBUNYI (Head Pastor) March. 7th, 2021

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